"You don't look like an introvert, Leif."
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"You don't look like an introvert, Leif."

Well, if I want to look like it, I won't be here - having this conversation or building in public.
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Source from UnSplash
It's a decision I have to make for my sanity. And I need sanity to live. For my wife & daughter.
My cure for my mental health was writing. And for me to keep doing it, I need an audience. For people who are able to relate and share their own stories. It's a two-way street. Maybe better than a shrink. Maybe. For now.
The journey is the same for introverts, as it is for extroverts. We face the same creative loneliness. The same setbacks. While it might be easier for extroverts to express their feelings openly, the inner thoughts are the same. The fact that I can talk to any of you, was due to these similarities. We connect.
I remember my first networking sessions, I went home way before the event started. I hated crowds. While I'm OK with it now, I still need to prepare mentally. It's unnatural for me to just go out there and mingle. It takes a lot of energy.
Joining communities is my other remedy. I've gained a lot from them. Sure, it's a hit-and-miss, but you need to know where to look. And it's one of the reasons why I started my own community; No-Code Asia. Time for me to give back and at the same time, to solve my own problem.
Now thanks to Twitter, it's not as hard as before. I've shared my discoveries here, in this tweet. Set multiple-layered lists to make internet growth buddies, and so on.
Lastly, mental health is real. Especially now with the pandemic & lockdowns; it intensifies.
Don't be scared or shy. Go get real help. Talk to professionals, like I did. It helps with the nerve, especially for us introverts. Take more than one session before you're ready to talk to others, openly. If you want to.
So stay strong, you don't have to be alone.🤗
Leif Latiff

Written by

Leif Latiff

Writes articles on Leiflatiff.com