5 Stories, 5 Weeks - Issue #1

5 Stories, 5 Weeks - Issue #1

Hey friends, welcome to the first issue of my #5Weeks challenge.

I'm going to start by setting up expectations for this newsletter.
You'll be getting 1+5+1 weekly updates every Friday, starting this email.
  • 1 for the kick-off, which is this email.
  • 5 is for the regular updates; consists of the Story link and the Product sales page link.
  • 1 for my conclusion update. My reflections and what's next.
Hope that clears up everything.
So without further ado, lets kick-off with some intro articles or stories that I've posted for the past week, in case you missed it. I hope you enjoy it.
If you received this email from someone else, do consider subscribing, and you’ll get a special gift.😉
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What’s #5Weeks?

It’s a 5-week challenge. And my aim is to do 5 Stories and 5 Products in 5 weeks.
Initially, I wanted to call it #triple5 or 555, but meh — too cheesy.🤣
Anyway, I've already done the kick-off this week, on the 13th of July 2022.
So, the first story should be published next Monday, and the product will be released on Wednesday.🤞🏼
Basically every single week for 5 weeks;
  • I’ll be writing and posting a story,
  • building a product as accompaniment to the story, then launch to sell
    • then build the product (as accompaniment to the story)
  • and, using Twitter #BuildInPublic as a way to market or promote.
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I bet you never see me selling any kind of products or even myself.

I always tweet about something for the sake of having conversations.
I was hoping if more people liked or responded to them, I would be more confident in selling. But I have nothing to sell, right? So I gave up.
It's all a result of my excuses. I used my shiny-object syndrome to build creative stuff, but in reality, I just let myself burn out without any clear goals.
I guess that's all for this week's issue. I'm still learning, and will definitely improve the content.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do me a favour and click on the "Reply" button.
Or if you prefer to have a face-to-face call, head over here to chat.
Stay tuned every Friday for the next issues.
Until then, have a good weekend!