When in doubt...
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When in doubt, write it down.
Keep on grinding. And grind hard.
Don't waste time on being insignificant.
Keep things tight. There's no space for self-pity and fear.
Whenever I start to question yourself, I'll write it all down.
Like this one.

Write down the questions and I'll write the answers.
Why am I doing this? I want to make money. My money bank is shrinking. I need to feed my family all the nicest meals.
Why is it so hard? I'm making it hard. Nobody is expecting me to do anything. It's all on me.
So whatever the questions are, it's only in my head.

Reminding myself to have daily plans, weekly and monthly milestones and one goal.
That will make me busy.
Remember this, keep it tight. There's no space for self-pity and fear.💪🏼
Source from UnSplash
Source from UnSplash
Leif Latiff

Written by

Leif Latiff

Writes articles on Leiflatiff.com