5 Stories, 5 Weeks - Issue #2

5 Stories, 5 Weeks - Issue #2

Hey friends, welcome to the 2nd issue of my #5Weeks challenge.

Also welcoming new subscribers and buyers to my first product — 10K Digital Napkin.
Thanks for the early support and generous gesture!💖
Firstly since we have new subscribers, I'm going to start by setting up expectations for this newsletter.
You'll be getting 1+5+1 weekly updates every Friday, which started last week (15/7/2022).
  • 1 for the kick-off, you can check it here.
  • 5 is for the regular updates; consists of the Story link and the Product sales page link.
  • 1 for my conclusion update. My reflections and what's next.
Hope that clears up everything.

This week we start off with First Story & Product that I've posted and launched this week, in case you missed it. Enjoy!
If you received this email from someone else, do consider subscribing, and you’ll get a special gift.😉

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Building a 10K team from scratch

I just joined a small company as their first No-Code Project Manager.
The company has been around for almost 3 years now. It’s a small startup founded by a forty-something New Yorker who is now nomading in South East Asia… [cut]
“But Leif, you said you’re building from scratch? Seems like you already have a team.”
Yes and no. Previously there was only ONE full-time employee in the company, which is the founder. The rest were freelancers and part-timers.
So it’s the right time to change… [cut]
The team members are already familiar with each other. They know their roles, it’s just a matter of organizing the teamwork.
As the new kid, I was able to start fresh with everyone. Free from all prejudices and favouritism.
Making the “generalist” into the specialist… [cut]

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10K Digital Napkin

A productivity framework that helps you focus on tasks that matter most. Suitable for freelancers/solopreneurs.
This Notion dashboard was created based on Khe Hy (RadReads.co)’s 10K framework.
You can read great details here.
Why did I create this?
I’ve tried so many methods and love; GTD, Kanban, Sprint, etc, and I will still recommend them to everyone.
But if you’re someone like me, who has issues with burnouts, shiny-object syndrome, ADHD, etc, this is for you.
When can I get it?
I have the template ready, but I need to go through quality checks first.
I would suggest signing up to my "5 Stories, 5 Weeks" newsletter for the weekly updates.
Do you have discount offers for early supporters?
As this is part of my #5Weeks challenge, you'll get the other 4 micro products for free if you pay $15 $13 for one product.
But, for limited time only until 3rd August 2022.

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I guess that's all for this week's issue. I'm still learning, and will definitely improve the content.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do me a favour and click on the "Reply" button.
Or if you prefer to have a face-to-face call, head over here to chat.
Stay tuned every Friday for the next issues.
Until then, have a good weekend!