#5Weeks Digest - Issue #9

#5Weeks Digest - Issue #9

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Hey friends, welcome to the 9th issue of #5Weeks Digest.

Also welcoming all new subscribers.👋🏼
Thanks for the early support. Really appreciate the kind gesture!đź’–
If you missed the previous issues, you can check them here.
And if you received this email from someone else, do consider subscribing, and you’ll get a free template. Subscribe


Shipping my third product

I’ve finally completed my “Create Banner with Stencil and Airtable” guide.
It’s not perfect, but I’ll do further revision as it will be part of Airtable Wiz bite-sized learning.
I’ll explain more below. So, 3 down and 2 more to go. I’m feeling both relieved and excited.

What is this Airtable Wiz that I keep on hearing about?

Firstly, my apologies for that. I mentioned the name a lot here and on Twitter, but I never really explained what it actually is. Is it a website? A course?
The thing is, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at first. I know I want to explore and expose the nicer side of Airtable. Not everyone knows the full potential beyond those tables, the interface designers and whatnot. People got confused. Even I was confused.
OK, what is Airtable Wiz? It’s a bite-sized guide for bigger projects. Learn Airtable by working on real-life solutions. Little by little.
Cool, so what is it, again? Glad you asked Leif. It’s going to be two things.
  1. Free email course
      • I’m not sure how long it will take. Maybe 3-day, or 5-day. I’m going to start working on it next week.
  1. Weekly newsletter
      • It’ll be similar to “Create Banner with Stencil and Airtable”, but for a course of 4-5 weeks. This will be seasonal, one big project at a time.
If you’re reading this right now, you’ll automatically be added as subscribers. Unless you want to opt out, then fine with me. I’ll send a sad farewell email to you.

#5Weeks Product Updates

Stencil, Airtable
Pory, Airtable

Sales/landing page launched to public
Product building in progress
Writing and/or recording video guides
Product is complete and sent to buyers
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I guess that's all for this week's issue.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do me a favour and click on the "Reply" button.
Or, if you prefer to have a 1:1 call, head over here to chat.
Until then, have a good weekend!